In their simplest form, shock absorbers are hydraulic (oil) pump like devices that help to control the impact and rebound movement of your vehicle’s springs and suspension. Along with smoothening out bumps and vibrations, the key role of the shock absorber is to ensure that the vehicle’s tyres remain in contact with the road surface at all times, which ensures the safest control and braking response from your car.

It is what we call the Tyreworx Safety Triangle, encouraging motorists to check tyres, brakes and shock absorbers with every service to ensure optimum stopping, steering and stability.

Why Do I Need To Have My Shock Absorbers Checked?

  1. A vehicle with defective shock absorbers can take as much as 2.6 metres extra to stop in an emergency – perhaps the difference between driving past an accident or being in one!
  2. Poor handling as a result of vehicle suspension issues can put you and your family at serious risk of having an accident
  3. Shock absorbers are vital for positive steering and safe braking
  4. Shock absorbers smooth out bumps, jolts and give stability for comfortable cruising at all speeds and the secure feeling of having all four wheels firmly on the ground

Tyreworx Otahuhu is specialized in all other suspension parts of your vehicle .

To arrange for an inspection of your suspension phone  or make an online booking.