How Often Should I Get my Wheels Aligned?

It is recommended that you get your wheels aligned every six months, or every 15,000 KMs, whichever comes first.

There are a few things to look out for that may be signs your vehicle’s alignment needs attention. The most common is where your vehicle pulls to one side or another. This has a few probable causes though, and a flat tyre is the first thing to check. If your tyres are good but your vehicle is still pulling to one side, it’s worth getting your alignment checked out.

You should also consider getting your wheels aligned when you get new tyres, or you modify the height of your vehicle.

If the vehicle was involved in a small accident or hit a pothole, there is a chance it’s put the alignment heavily out or damaged suspension components.

Uneven tyre wear is another sign your vehicle’s suspension needs work. This could be down to a poor alignment or a worn-out suspension component like a suspension bushes or ball joints.


Get in Touch!

At Tyreworx  we offer a full 4-wheel adjustment and wheel alignment service. Please call us or book to get your wheel alignment sorted .